Resource Guide

We are Here to Help

We know you’ve got this, but when a question pops up, let us help. Like how to solve a pesky equation, how to get involved on campus, where to get help with your computer, or how take notes and better focus in class.

The attentive staff at Capital is here for you, looking out for you in ways large and small. We’ll work hard to make your life on campus easier and your education more rewarding.

Campus Resources

Accessibility Services

Accessibility Services

Capital University welcomes individuals with disabilities to be an integral part of the educational community. Accessibility Services’ (AS) mission is to coordinate individualized support services and reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities to ensure equal educational opportunities and equal access to university life. Service areas include admissions, academics, housing, facilities accessibility, and social/personal issues related to disability. Students with disabilities who wish to receive services from AS are responsible for disclosing their disability to AS and should complete the registration process at least 6 weeks prior to the desired start date or deadlines for most services.

Please refer to AS' webpage to learn more about requesting accommodations, documentation guidelines, housing accommodation deadlines, utilizing the Testing Center, other policies and resources

Visit the Accessibility Services page to learn more.


Ruff Learning Center
Phone: 614-236-6611

Academic Advising

Academic Advising

The Academic Advising Office provides help with last-minute schedule changes, academic crises, and referrals to campus resources during regular business hours.


Yochum Hall 138
Phone: 614-236-6112

Academic Success

Academic Success

Academic Success provides a  wide range of academic support services to complement and enhance students' efforts to become more skilled and confident learners. Peer Tutors conduct one-on-one and small group sessions to guide students in reviewing course  material, gaining a better understanding of key course content, preparing for exams, and developing more effective study strategies for courses. Writing Center Consultants assist students with all aspects of the writing process, including invention, drafting, organization, revising, editing, grammar and punctuation, research, and proper citations. Academic Coaches engage in structured, collaborative conversations with students to help them stay accountable and committed to their goals; understand their habits, thinking patterns, strengths, and weaknesses; improve self-regulation; and learn more effective study strategies. Supplemental Instruction (SI) Leaders plan and facilitate weekly, peer-facilitated group study sessions for students in historically challenging courses to not only help them master the material but to also allow them to become  more effective learners. Students can schedule tutoring, writing, or coaching appointments through TracCloud ( and view the current SI session schedule on the Academic Success web site.


Blackmore Library
Phone: 614-236-6327
Web: Visit the Academic Success page



The Capital Bookstore is completely online with free shipping to campus. Visit the website to create an account and order your textbooks. Books purchased through the Capital Bookstore can be charged to your student account and paid later. Other class materials and Capital gear can be purchased at the Gear Shop in the Student Union on campus. Find more details below under "Gear Shop."


Web: Visit the Bookstore website

Campus Ministries

Campus Ministries

Campus Ministries includes various opportunities for worship and faith formation provided by Capital, as well as the many national organizations that have recognized student groups on  Capital's campus. These include Embrace Ministries, the university-sponsored Christian campus ministry, as well as the Interfaith Student Organization, the  university-sponsored interfaith ministry. You can also find opportunities with Jewish Student Association, Muslim Student Association, The Doubter's Club, Catholic  Student Organization, CCO, Cru, and Young Life. Each week, Embrace hosts Capital Worship on Wednesday at 10 am and Candlelight Worship Thursday at 9:09  pm. We provide interfaith prayer space, open to members of Capital from every spiritual background and worldview for meditation, prayer, or quiet reflection.  Campus Ministries offers retreats, scripture studies, spiritual coaching, pastoral care, service opportunities, internships, pre-seminary preparation,  book groups, Spring Break immersion trips, and much more. Reach out to for more information and to get connected.


Trinity Lutheran Seminary
Phone: 614-236-7737
Learn more about Religious and Spiritual Life at Capital

Cap Cupboard

Cap Cupboard

The Cap Cupboard is an on-campus food and resource center that is available to all at Capital University. Located in the lower level of the Student Union, the Cap Cupboard is staffed by student volunteers and professional staff members. The Cap Cupboard can also help students get connected with other resources, both on and off campus. During the academic year, the Cap Cupboard is open from 2 pm to 4 pm and 6 pm to 8 pm, Monday through Friday. Students can email any time to set up a visit outside of these hours. Weekend Bags and Bags for Break are also available to students.


Student Union 007
Phone: 614-236-6901

Career Development

Career Development

Career Development helps students identify and implement career goals that complement their learning, development, and success. Students get assistance with all aspects of their major and career planning, applying for internships and jobs, and applying for graduate and professional school. Much of the work with first-year students focuses on choosing and changing majors, exploring careers, and applying for part-time jobs. The office works intentionally with all Exploring major students.


Blackmore Library
Phone: 614-236-6606
Web: Visit the Career Development page

Center for Global Education

Center for Global Education

The Center for Global Education provides for advising and review of education-abroad opportunities,  information about exchange programs, and Capital-managed study abroad programs. The Office also counsels and advises international students and scholars in the  areas of immigration regulations, living in the U.S., initial academic advising, health insurance, options on legal work opportunities, and assistance on connecting to university and community resources. The Intensive English Language Program (CIEP) is located within this department and provides intensive English instruction for academic purposes for non-native English speakers.


Student Union
Phone: 614-236-6170
Email: /
Learn more about studying abroad
Visit the Center for Global Education page

Center for Health and Wellness

Center for Health and Wellness

The Center for Health and Wellness provides a comprehensive array of medical and mental-health services that will aid in the assessment, treatment, prevention, and promotion of health and wellness on campus.


Kline Health Center
Phone: 614-236-6114
Web: Visit the Center for Health and Wellness page

Dining Services

Dining Services

The dining program at Capital University is managed by Aladdin food service, which oversees all dining locations and catering on campus with a program that meets the needs of today’s college student. Each year, students experience exciting changes, fresh menus, and new enhancements to the dining experience.


Student Union
Phone: 614-236-6125
Web: Visit the Dining Services page

Financial Aid

Financial Aid

The Financial Aid Office works with students and families to coordinate all forms of financial aid. The staff can help students understand loan options and work to find solutions that make Capital affordable.


Yochum Hall
Phone: 614-236-6511
Web: Learn more about financial aid

Gear Shop

Gear Shop

The Gear Shop is one-stop destination for all things Capital! Dive into our extensive collection of apparel and essential school supplies - you find everything you need for your campus life. The Gear Shop can also do custom swag creation for organizations, student groups, events, and more. The Gear Shop is open Monday – Friday 9am – 4pm during the academic year and Monday – Friday 9am – 3pm during the summer. For book purchasing information, please see "Bookstore" above.


Student Union

Information Technology

Information Technology

Information Technology provides technical support for university faculty, staff, and students. Support teams include the Client Services, which includes our Help Desk, Enterprise Applications, our Network, Telecom, and Server Administrator teams. Together, these teams work collaboratively to support the mission and initiatives of the university.


Blackmore Library
Phone: 614-236-6508
Web: Visit the Information Technology page



The Capital University intramural program provides physical, social, and educational development opportunities through participation in intramural sports. It is important for students to develop a balanced, healthy lifestyle on our campus.


Capital Center
Phone: 614-236-6979

Blackmore & Hamma Libraries

Blackmore & Hamma Libraries

Blackmore and Hamma libraries, our Bexley campus Library Services, are committed partners in supporting the research needs of our student and faculty scholars. Librarians and Student Research Assistants provide research help during those initial brainstorming topics, throughout the research planning phase, and during those final stretches finding, accessing, and evaluating resources. Librarians and library staff also manage and maintain the electronic and physical resources critical  to the support of Capital's curriculum by providing access to 167 research databases, over 240,000 print books, nearly 200,000 e-books, and more than  68,000 online journals. Both Blackmore and Hamma Libraries offer group study rooms, computers, and plenty of space to meet, work, and study.


Blackmore Library
Trinity Lutheran Seminary
Phone: 614-236-6351
Visit the Blackmore Library Site
Visit the Hamma Library Site

Mail Services

Mail Services

Capital's Mail Room is a fully functional post office that provides the campus community with a variety of services. We receive and distribute students' mail and offer mailboxes. Students will keep the same mailbox while here at Capital. We also receive and distribute mail and packages to the campus departments, sell postage stamps, and process outbound deliveries with UPS, USPS, Federal Express, and other delivery carriers.


Student Union
Phone: 614-236-6658
Email: /
Web: Visit the Mail Services page

Public Safety

Public Safety

The mission of the Department of Public Safety at Capital University is to provide a safe and secure environment for the university community and all its members and provide a variety of services that enhance the quality of life on campus.


Public Safety
Emergency: 614-236-6666
Non-Emergency: 614-236-6504
Parking Services: 614-236-6505
Switchboard: 614-236-6011
Web: Visit the Campus Safety page



The Registrar’s Office is the center of Capital University’s educational record needs. The office handles grades, registration, graduation, transcripts, transfer evaluations, verifications, changes of majors and minors, and changes to your personal information. The office also assists with VA certification.


Yochum Hall 126
Phone: 614-236-6150
Web: Visit the Office of the Registrar page

Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC)

Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC)

ROTC is an opportunity for those seeking to develop leadership qualities like poise, stamina, and self-discipline. Through ROTC, students earn the opportunity to receive a degree in the field of their choice and a commission as a Second Lieutenant in the Army, Army Reserves, or Army National Guard. The Army ROTC Program enriches the college experience by providing instruction and practical application of skills to help prepare students for their future. Students who choose to participate in the program might be awarded a scholarship.


Troutman Hall
Phone: 614-236-6808

Residential & Commuter Life

Residential & Commuter Life

Residential & Commuter Life supports both residential and commuter students. In on-campus housing, Community Coordinators (professional staff) and Resident Assistants help students find their home on campus and connect with peers. They also promote a safe and healthy living environment and are a great starting point for any questions a student might have! The office also oversees meal plan changes, requests for housing releases, housing selection, the Commuter Lounge, and Commuter Lockers.


Student Union
Phone: 614-236-6811
Email Residential Life:
Email Commuter Life:
Web: Visit the Residential & Commuter Life page

Schumacher Gallery

Schumacher Gallery

Capital University’s Schumacher Gallery offers a wonderfully diverse selection of more than 3,000 works for study and enjoyment. It provides the university and the community with an extensive program of special focus exhibits, lectures, and art-related events. The Gallery is located on the fourth floor of Capital’s Blackmore Library. It is open weekdays 12 pm to 4 pm and Saturdays from 1 pm to 4:30 pm during the academic year. The Schumacher Gallery now offers an app for deeper exploration and research of the collection.


Blackmore Library
Phone: 614-236-6319
Web: Visit the Schumacher Gallery page

Student Accounts

Student Accounts

The Student Accounts Office assists in understanding any billed charges on your student account as found in the myCap student portal. We can also assist you in understanding any outstanding account balance due and payment options that may be available, including any available payment plans. If payments and financial aid result in a credit balance, the office will review and issue refunds. The office helps students and parents understand federal regulations that may apply to their student account.


Yochum Hall
Phone: 614-236-6123
Web: Visit the Student Accounts page

Student and Community Engagement

Student and Community Engagement

Located on the first floor of the Harry C. Moores Student Union, the SCE is one of the busiest places on campus. No matter what your interests are, from the Outdoor Adventure Club to Student Government, the SCE team can help you get involved and find your niche on campus. The office supports Activities Management and Programming (AMP), the Bonner Leader Program, Community Engagement, Fraternity and Sorority Life, Leadership Development, Parent and Family Programs, Student Government, 90+ Student Organizations, Wellness and Prevention Programming, and Transition Programs.


Student Union
Phone: 614-236-6901
Visit the SCE page and learn how to get involved!

Student Success

Student Success

The Student Success Office serves as your gateway to connection with all of Capital's resources. Whether you’re figuring out how college works, seeking help with a specific concern, or looking to maximize your opportunities, our team is here to help. We also receive referrals from members of the Capital community and reach out to offer support when concerns arise. We work with you to overcome challenges, connect to resources, and access opportunities in pursuit of a transformative and successful college experience.


Yochum Hall 136
Phone: 614-236-6388
Web: Learn more about Student Success

Title IX and Sexual Harassment

Title IX and Sexual Harassment

Capital University is committed to ensuring a safe environment free of discrimination on the basis of sex, including sexual misconduct. All members of the University community, including students, faculty, staff, guests, and visitors are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that does not infringe upon the rights of others. The University offers prevention and outreach programs to educate the University community about sexual misconduct and discrimination. Resources and reporting options are available to the University community by contacting the Title IX Coordinator.


Yochum Hall
Phone: 614-236-6904
Web: Learn more about Title IX and sexual harassment